Featured products

Inside Door Handle

113 837 225 A

Choke 34 PDSIT Left

021 129 191 C

Ignition Coil

BAQ 905 115 B
.68 ohms primary, 3.07k ohms secondary, and an inductance of 7.14 mH

Main Bearing

111 198 479 B

Master Cylinder

411 611 015 F

Brake Cable

1H0 609 721 E

Voltage Regulator


Master Cylinder Kit

211 698 201

Master Cylinder

113 611 021 K

Garbe Lahmeyer VW Ignition Distributor Kit 383

GL Kit
Can also use this cap and rotor on a 383.

Distributor Point

1 237 013 044

Flasher Relay - Wehrle

111 953 227 D